Just to let you know: our city is under threat. Not from aliens, fire, plague, religious nutjobs or rising sea levels (though don’t rule any of those out) but from massive faceless powers. Powers who want to redevelop your local, close your favourite venue, price the struggling families out of your street, spoil a fine view and shit in your garden (if you’ve got a garden. You probably don’t). Annoying, right? And it doesn’t end there.
Because if London is under threat, the Londoner is under threat. So that’s you, and it’s your tube driver this morning, your barista right now, your barman after work, your waiter this evening, your band tonight, your DJ after that, and the cabbie who takes you (and whoever you’ve managed to lasso) home. The fear is that ordinary Londoners, all 9 million of us, won’t be able to live here any more, priced out by massive rents and driven out by sheer boredom at the sameyness of our streets. And if we go, everything great goes with us. The art, the music, the food, the drink, the atmosphere, the madness and that thing that makes you go ‘Fuck me! Only in London…’ Once it’s all gone, it will never come back. But all is not lost. Yet. If you love London, you can do something about it. Make your voice heard, sign that petition, join the Facebook group. We’ve found some causes you could get involved with right now. It’s time to save our city.