Lair Ticket Terms and Conditions (Paramount)

Lair Ticket Terms and Conditions (Paramount)


By booking or using a ticket to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, The Lair Experience (the “Experience”), you agree to these terms and conditions.

Who are we?

1. The “Merchant” (also known as “we”, “us” and “our” in these terms and conditions) is Paramount Pictures UK of Building 5 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 5YF.

Information about tickets

2. One ticket is valid for one person to attend the Experience at the selected time and date only for a maximum of 1 hour and 45 minutes from the designated start time. Latecomers may not be admitted.

3. You must be aged 18 or over to book a ticket.

4. If your booking includes tickets for other people, you will be responsible for all attendees in your group and it is your responsibility to ensure that they have read and agree to these terms and conditions.

5. You must present a valid ticket to enter the Experience. All attendees (apart from children under 2 years old) require a ticket.

6. Only adults (i.e. over 18s) may attend night time events. Adults and children (under 18s) may attend daytime family sessions.

7. Tickets cannot be transferred, amended or exchanged.

8. If you have any issues, please contact Timeout’s customer services team at [].

Rules about attending the Experience

9. We reserve the right to require proof of age from any attendee.

10. All children (under 18s) must be accompanied by an adult at all times throughout their visit. One adult can supervise up to 2 children.

11. Please note that there may be parts of the Experience that are not suitable for everyone, for instance due to height and/or age restrictions.

12. You must be aged 5 or over to participate in the lowest level of the Training Centre and aged 8 or over to participate in the higher level of the Training Centre. You must be aged 5 or over to participate in the Skate School.

13. To participate in certain activities at the Experience you must sign a health and safety and liability waiver. If you do not sign the waiver, you will not be able to participate in those activities. For children (under 18s), a parent or guardian will need to sign the waiver.

14. Attendees must:

a) comply with all instructions posted or given by staff at the Experience;

b) take reasonable steps to ensure their own safety and the safety of any children under their supervision, taking into account any personal medical conditions;

c) behave in a safe and respectful manner at all times;

d) not behave in a threatening, violent, abusive or inappropriate manner; and

e) not use any inappropriate, threatening, foul or abusive language.

15. We reserve the right to refuse admission to or remove from the Experience any person or group, including for any of the following reasons:

a) attempting to gain access without a valid ticket;

b) inappropriate, threatening, foul or abusive language (including any such language appearing on any clothing) or behaviour, harassment or violence of any kind;

c) if we or any of our staff or sub-contractors have reason to believe that such person or group’s attendance will negatively impact the ambience or safety of the Experience or the safety of or enjoyment of the Experience by others;

d) possession of any drugs; alcohol (other than drinks sold or provided at the Experience); weapons; paint; offensive banners; air horns, klaxons, whistles or disruptive instruments; drones; flares; fireworks; drinks in glass bottles; laser pens or pointers; or any dangerous, noxious, toxic or illegal items or substances;

e) failure to comply with these terms and conditions or any written or verbal instructions including regarding health and safety;

f) entering or attempting to enter any part of the Experience which is a restricted or prohibited area;

g) causing damage;

h) theft or attempted theft; and/or

i) being inebriated or under the influence of drugs or other illegal substances.

16. If a person is refused entry to or removed from the Experience and they are part of a group, then such group may also be denied entry or removed from the Experience.

17. Future access to the Experience may be denied to any attendee who has previously been denied entry to or removed from the Experience.

18. We reserve the right, if we consider it necessary, to search any attendee or their belongings.

19. For health and safety reasons, please avoid bringing large bags to the Experience.

20. You cannot bring any food or drink into the Experience, apart from water.

21. Food and drink should be consumed only in the designated bar area.

22. Smoking is not permitted anywhere at the Experience.

23. No readmittance - once you exit the Experience you will not be able to re-enter.

24. For the health and safety of attendees and staff, we do not allow any of the following to be brought into or used within the Experience: bicycles, scooters, roller skates or blades, footballs, frisbees; or animals.

25. Skateboards may only be used in the designated Skate School area.

Filming and photography at the Experience

26. CCTV is in operation throughout the Experience to maintain a safe environment for staff and attendees. For more information, please see the venue’s privacy notice at [ ].]

27. We or other authorised parties may carry out photography and/or video recording at the Experience, which may feature attendees. By attending the Experience, you agree to being photographed, filmed and recorded, and you irrevocably grant us and our affiliates, licensors, licensees, successors and assigns (“Paramount”), the right to record and use your name, voice, likeness, and performance, as embodied in still images, audio and video recordings and interviews, for any use whatsoever, in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, throughout the universe in perpetuity, including in connection with the exploitation and advertising of any motion picture produced and/or distributed by Paramount, including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem.

28. Unless you are instructed not to (either verbally or in writing e.g. on a sign posted at the Experience), you may take photographs and film recordings at the Experience, provided that:

a) these are solely for private use and are not sold or used for any commercial or public purpose; and

b) you do not intentionally photograph or capture video footage of any individual without that person’s permission.

29. You must comply with all photography/filming restrictions in place from time to time whilst at the Experience.

Our rights, responsibilities and liability to you

30. We reserve the right at any time and for any reason (including due to capacity or to ensure the safety and security of attendees) to change the programme of the Experience; to close the whole or any part of the Experience; to restrict the number of people having access to the Experience; or to cancel or reschedule the Experience. If the Experience is cancelled or rescheduled and that impacts your ticket(s), we will do our best to email you.

31. You are responsible for any belongings you take to the Experience. We take no responsibility for any loss or theft that occurs at or near the Experience.

32. Except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law (including liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence, or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation), we will not be liable (in contract, negligence or otherwise) for any loss, damage or injury (“Loss”) suffered by you or another attendee in your group (including personal injury, contracting a disease and damage to personal property) arising out of or in connection with the Experience or participation in any of the activities at the Experience where:

a) the Loss was not caused by us breaching either these terms and conditions or a legal duty of care to you (either because we do not owe you a legal duty of care or because we do owe a legal duty of care to you, but we have not breached it);

b) the Loss is unexpected – it was not obvious that it would happen and nothing you said to us before you made the booking meant we should have expected it (so, legally, the loss was unforeseeable);

c) the Loss is caused by you or someone in your group, for example, because you failed to comply with these terms and conditions or any written or verbal instructions;

d) the Loss is caused by an event outside our control;

e) by taking reasonable action, including following our reasonable instructions, you could have avoided or reduced the Loss; or

f) the Loss relates to your trade, business, craft or profession.

33. Even if we delay in enforcing these terms and conditions, we can still enforce them later. We might not immediately contact you about not doing something or doing something you should not do, but that doesn’t mean we can't do it later.

34. Your booking of tickets to and attendance at the Experience and these terms and conditions (and any contractual or non-contractual matters arising in connection with the Experience and/or these terms and conditions) are governed by English law and any disputes arising out of these terms and conditions and/or the Experience are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Other terms

35. If there is any conflict between any of these terms and conditions and any written waiver or release provided by or on behalf of us at the Experience and signed by you, the provision of the written waiver or release will take priority

36. For information about how your personal data will be processed by us, please see our privacy notice at Please note that Timeout is the controller of any personal data you provide in the course of booking a ticket for the Experience and Timeout’s privacy notice will apply to that processing.

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