1. Get savvy about recycling

Plastic film and a taxidermy crocodile are just a couple of the non-recyclable items fished off a conveyor belt at Southwark’s Integrated Waste Management Facility, one of the better-performing recycling centres in inner London. ‘Recycling is all about trying to get down to one material,’ says Richard Kirkman, Veolia’s chief technology and innovation officer. ‘So things like snappy yoghurt pots and crisp packets are frustrating for us because they are made up of multiple, hard-to-separate layers.’ The facility processes 1,000 tons of waste a day, sending just 2 per cent to landfill. Stuff that can’t be recycled is burnt for energy to heat 2,600 homes in the borough. In fact, more than half of London’s waste is burnt for energy. While preferable to burying, it’s not the low-carbon solution we need to combat global warming. So what about big or obscure things that don’t go in the recycling bin at home? Take them to a local facility: they differ by borough, but Lewisham’s reuse and recycling facility in New Cross, for example, accepts everything from fridges and light bulbs to used cooking oil.