The plague sufferer

Eleanor sports a whole new look for the spotty teen, complete with buboes and bloody orifices. Quite the in-thing before the Fire of London.
1. Over a pallid foundation, make the face look more skull-like by accentuating the forehead, cheekbones and eye sockets using brown shades, blended in with a sponge.
2. To make plague scabs, add a thick yellowy cream around the sweaty areas of the face (this is where they would have appeared) - the nose and the chin. Soften these out with the sponge.
3. To make the scabs look sore, add a dark red dot in the middle and soften the edges. Use a bit just under the nostril too, as a plague victim would have probably had a bleeding nose.
4. To make the buboes, squeeze a little latex on to the back of your hand and use the wrong end of your make-up brush to blob this on your face.It it will set yellowy. Make up stores will stock tubes of latex, or you can use eyelash glue.
5. Use a costume jelly (referred to simply as 'sweat'), and a pot of yellow 'pus' to look really ill.