Trinity College
Samuel Beckett once quipped that Trinity contained the cream of Ireland – rich and thick! He was also one of the college’s most famous alumni, along with Swift, Wilde, Congreve and Goldsmith. Trinity Library’s Long Room library has been voted one of the most beautiful libraries in the world. A spectacular barrel-vaulted roof arches over 200,000 books, as well a rare copy of the 1916 Proclamation of the Irish Republic, and a 13th-century wooden harp, the model for the national emblem of Ireland. The exquisite Book of Kells, an illuminated religious manuscript that dates back to 800 AD, has been held here since 1654. The exhibition Turning Darkness into Light gives an insight into the craft of illumination, all the more impressive when it’s revealed that the work was done by young monks with the necessary 20/20 vision essential for such close work. Booking essential.