Count Arthur Strong is a show business legend, after-dinner speaker and a leading authority on Ancient Egypt, having been stationed there during his nation service. He has countless friends in the showbiz world. Tonight, he’ll be in conversation with Tim Arthur and answering audience questions before signing copies of his latest novel at this exclusive event.
From his humble beginnings as a newborn baby in Doncaster to appearing alongside Alec Guinnesses in Bridge Up The River Kwai, he has always laughed through it all, and these memoirs of his will surely jog the memories of all those who have laughed along with him – including Count Arthur himself.
Through it All I’ve Always Laughed: Memoirs of Count Arthur Strong will be published by Faber and Faber on Nov 7 in hardback and audio (produced by Komedia Entertainment) and will tell the story of his extraordinary life in his own inimitable, tourettic, malaproping style.
Presented by Time Out Live and Foyles