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Come on, admit it – you’ve always wanted to use a litter-picker. No? Perhaps not, but it’s hard to deny that cleaning can give you a certain sense of satisfaction. With that in mind, consider waterway charity Thames 21’s invitation to get your hands dirty to help remove nearly eight tonnes of litter from two locations along the Thames foreshore. The annual job helps to protect local London wildlife and improve the appearance of our fair river. It’s not all plastic bags and beer cans, though – past ‘rubbish’ has ranged from handguns and grenades to a Saxon spearhead, so prepare for a bit of a treasure hunt. Come wearing old clothes, but don’t worry about wellies as steel-capped boots will be provided for adults. Under-16s must be accompanied by a grown-up, and bring their own footwear. It’ll be like a day at the beach, but instead of sandy hair and sunburn you’ll have mucky feet and a warm glow inside.
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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