London, look lively! The first of May’s two bank holidays takes place from this Saturday May 4 to Monday May 6 2024.
And while still a few weeks from the summer equinox, the early May bank holiday feels like the unofficial start of summer in London. Like any London summer, this doesn’t preclude a bit of rainy weather, and there is a fair bit of it forecast over the next few days.
But we Londoners know better than to let a couple of showers spoil our fun. We’re still hoping for a few decent hours of sunshine so we can all head to the nearest park, beer garden or rooftop bar, but if not, there’s plenty of rainy day fun to be had in the capital too.
Looking for more fun ways to fill those sweet three days off? We’ve got absolutely loads of ideas...just read on!
RECOMMENDED: Here are even more great things to do in May 2024