Play It Again, Sam


Time Out says

Allan Felix, recently deserted by his wife, sighs as ‘Casablanca’ flickers on TV. ‘Why can’t I be cool?’ he wails. Then Humphrey Bogart materialises, to help his fan bag a dame. So hapless Allan embarks on a slew of catastrophic dates.

If it sounds simple, that’s because it is. Woody Allen’s, ‘Play It Again Sam’, is an over-extended sketch. The material is thin and the theatrical effects, including endless flashbacks and fantasy sequences, feel dated.

Neurotic Jewish Allan (Tim Frost) has some plum one-liners but it’s hard to shake the feeling he’s ‘doing Woody Allen’. Only James Kermack adds colour as best friend, Dick, a ball-busting businessman, more attached to his phone than his wife. There are some giggles but this predictable piece wants energy and panache.

One of the few flourishes from director John Plews comes as Allan’s ex-wife is sucked into a smoky hole. But it isn’t enough to fire up this laboured and lacklustre comedy.


£12-£16, concs £10-£14
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