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A new addition to the myriad lifestyle ventures popping up at the Truman Brewery, this yoga and pilates centre is designed to offer a little respite from the hedonism of its Brick Lane surroundings. Its a sociable place, with a health-focused cafe (that, refreshingly, also does boozy cocktails), and fitness rooms located up in the arches of the building, with plenty of natural light. What makes this place different is the range of classes on offer - if you thought yoga started with Ashtanga and ended with Vinyasa, think again. We tried an acrobatic yoga class, sound-tracked by a man in a corner of the studio, playing hip-hop tracks on an electronic harp. No really, we did. But if your bending tastes are of a more traditional bent, then you can opt for classic pilates and hot yoga sesssions. The timetable runs from 7am-9.30pm, and concentrates entirely on yoga and pilates sessions - meaning they don't get as rammed with stretch enthusiasts as classes run by gyms with a broader focus.
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