Forget feathers and lumpy synthetics. The world of pillows has moved on considerably since the misshapen old bolsters most of us had as kids. Nowadays you can get them filled with silk, foam, latex, wool, down and even buckwheat, but which is better? Well, that’s down to you. If you want to avoid a cricked neck, first you have to think about how you sleep. Like to lie on your back? You’ll need something low. Prefer your side? Plump for a thicker stuffing. And if you sleep on your stomach, well, that’s actually not advised as it’s terrible for the back, but if you’re stuck in the habit try something fairly flat. In any case, you should ensure your head, when lying down, is in the same position as it would be if you were standing up straight. Too high or too low and your neck will strain to compensate for the difference, then you’ll wake up feeling stiffer than Long John Silver’s pegleg. What you need is the Goldilocks of pillows – one that’s juuust right – and we’re here to help you find it in our round-up of the best pillows to counter that pain in the neck.
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