An assorted bouquet by Rebel Rebel Florists.
Photo: Jennifer Banful | Rebel Rebel florists


Rebel Rebel Flowers, Hackney

4 out of 5 stars
A Hackney-based florist best known for their edgy and expressive blooms. We love their punky, off-beat approach to hand-tied bouquets. Here's why...
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Jennifer Banful

Time Out says

If Rebel Rebel were a personality they would be the extroverted cool kid. Situated on the corner of Westgate Street, this Hackney-based florist is known for their edgy and expressive blooms. I for one love their punky, off-beat approach to hand-tied bouquets, so I was pleased to be invited over to see the flower power in action for myself. When I got to their vibey Mare Street Market unit, I was immediately drawn to the blue tile display that sits bang in the middle of the shop floor, brimming with vibrant flowers from top to bottom. Their speciality? Well, not that they need any street cred from us, but their long-stemmed hand-tied bouquets are doozies.

Run by Athena and Mairead, the team here source the majority of their blooms from both Covent Garden Flower Market and their very own flower farm in Norfolk. They’ve got a passion for showcasing the best of British flowers when growing season allows (if it's out of season, they simply don't sell it). That's how you know you'll always get the best quality when you buy here. And if you can't pay the store a visit, you'll find a beautiful selection of bouquets available to order online, including wedding flowers. 

What's the price point? Bouquets start from £60.

Best for: The tasselled and undone look.

Time Out tip: Rebel Rebel occasionally team up with Dusty Knuckle in Dalston to host flower workshops. This is your chance to learn all the tips and tricks of arranging a bouquet from start to finish. 


117 Mare Street
Westgate Street
E8 4RU
From £60
Opening hours:
10am - 5pm Mon - Sat 10am - 4pm Sun
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