As Easter approaches, a parade of ever-more-elaborate chocolate eggs marches across supermarket shelves. They’re flashy, but their prestigious metallic wrapping is often as deceptive as an AI-generated cover letter, masking a hollow, sickly egg that’s wholly unqualified to lift your spirits this spring.
If you want to splurge on one seasonal treat, make it the humbler and infinitely more satisfying hot cross bun instead. You know where you are with these sturdy teatime delights, their richly-spiced flavours honed by generations of ordinary bakers. And although the standard issue high street ones are pretty great, it’s infinitely more satisfying to go to a proper bakery and emerge clutching a giant, gleaming example of the genre in a rustling paper bag.
This city’s bakeries fill up with buns as soon as Easter approaches, so we’ve scooted around town to pick up London’s best hot cross buns, whether they’re classics or unholy mash-ups. Then, we got an elite panel of taste-testers to rate them so that you can guarantee that you’re getting maximum bun for your buck. Fire up the toaster, we’re off to bun nirvana.
RECOMMENDED: Fill your Easter with fun with these things to do over the long weekend.