If Spanish hams are your thing, check out this first branch outside Spain this chain of high-quality jamonerías. This Soho outpost is a small, no-frills place, with a slicing counter and display cabinets up front and simple seating up back. Local colour is provided by the many
Spanish-speaking staff and customers – expats suffering withdrawal
symptoms, no doubt.
You'll find the best Spanish jamón ibérico here, which has been
air-dried for up to three years. And if you have deep pockets, splash
the cash for the finest 'ibérico de bellota' made from free-range pata
negra (black foot) pigs that feed mostly on acorns in the wild.
The menu is all about the jamón. Sandwiches cost around £6 if you're
taking away; add a quid or so for eating in. We recommend looking for
ones that contain jamón or lomo 'ibérico de bellota'. The sandwiches
come in different sizes and types of bread; we especially like the
lightly toasted mollete – a soft round Andalusian roll. Sausages
include salchichon, chorizo or longaniza, or for more ham there is lomo
(loin), which is even more expensive than jamón and arguably the best
charcutería of all.
For light respite, there are pork-less choices such as salad (nada
especial), olives (fantastico), Spanish omelette (muy bueno) and
cheeses (bueno). Don't expect to get stuffed for a tenner. Jamón
ibérica is fiendishly expensive – a whole leg can cost more than £800.
A sandwich here is not a massive meal, but when you taste that sweet,
nutty, buttery ham or lomo, you won't mind.