If we offered to take you to a railway station for dinner, you’d be forgiven for not jumping immediately on the next train. But what if we told you that Booking Office 1869 is one of the most bewilderingly beautiful restaurants in the city, with world-class cocktails and dish after dish of absolute showstoppers? Yes, it’s a tad unexpected, but this former St. Pancras ticket office reopened in 2021, newly adorned with palm trees, lashings of gold and leopard print-inspired chairs, and quickly becoming way more than mere a passing-through place. The food is just as impressive: expect massive Irish steaks, golden fried fish sandwiches and skin on fries that are both crispy and crumbly. Disclaimer: Time Out is not liable if you order another bourbon-based Ol’ Sigmalman and, with lip-smacking irony, miss the train.
What’s nearby?
Booking Office 1869 is part of the grand St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel. If you do lose track of time, there are worse places to be.
Order this
Some people say rail travel has lost its glamour, but those people have never sipped a breakfast mimosa before gliding effortlessly onto the platform.
RECOMMEDED: 11 of the best London to Europe train trips for a great escape.