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First up, at 7pm, there is a performance from Two Clowns: Pagliacci and Gorgonio in a double bill by Paul Barker: 'Musical Moments' (world premiere), in which a pianist's alarming alter ego is discovered as he plays, and 'My Voice and Me', a story about an opera singer who has lost his voice singing Canio in Leoncavallo's 'Pagliacci', and is on a world tour promoting his eponymous book. At 7.50pm, there's 'Black Sand', Na'ama Zisser's horror opera about a man so reluctant to confront his fear that it destroys him and everything he loves. It's closely followed, at 7.55pm, by 'Indigestion', Michael Betteridge's restaurant-based musical in which you explore the lives of your fellow diners. Then, at 8.50pm, there's Michael Finnissy's 'Mme Butterfly: The One Man Opera', which begins thirty years after the end of Puccini's opera 'Madame Butterfly'.
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