Seasons Double Bill (Take 2): 'The Four Seasons' come home!
Undoubtedly the most famous and popular works of the entire Baroque period, 'The Four Seasons' come to the Lufthansa Festival for the first time for over 20 years.
IMAGINARIUM Ensemble directed by violinist Enrico Onofri, with
Catherine Bott (reader).
Anon: 'Fuggi, fuggi, fuggi da questo cielo'
Janequin: 'Le chant des oyseaulx'
Merula: 'La Lusignola'
Uccellini: Sinfonia boscareccia 'L'Arcadica'
Uccellini: 'L'Emenfrodito'
Biber: Sonata representativa
Vivaldi: 'The Four Seasons'