Hear ye! Hear ye! Cheap pints! Cheap pints!
Next week, one of Soho’s finest boozers will be selling pints for just £2.50 a pop. That’s right, you can nab a drink for well under half (or even a third) the typical price of pints in other pubs in the capital.
The Shaston Arms, which features on Time Out’s list of the best pubs in Soho, will sell £2.50 pints for one day only on Thursday November 28. The giveaway is to mark the boozer’s 25th birthday.
And that isn’t all. The Shaston will also be renamed The Lady Shaston as a nod to the pub’s landlady Sally Graham, who has run it since it opened in 1999. It’ll be Graham’s favourite beer – the Winter’s Tale by Badger, a seasonal cask ale – available for £2.50. In total, 250 pints will be available at the discounted price.

The Shaston Arms was opened in December 1999 by Dorset-based brewers Hall & Woodhouse, who fashioned the boozer out of two shopfronts on Ganton Street (just off Carnaby). Over the years it’s found fans in locals, tourists, theatre performers, us at Time Out and celebrities like Ewan McGregor and the Gallagher Brothers.
4-6 Ganton St, W1F 7QN. November 28 More info here.
Did you see that this central London pub is charging £2 extra for pints after 10pm?
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