On Friday January 31 at 11pm, the UK will leave the EU. You’re probably wondering how to mark the occasion. Cry into your wine? Get a free cup of tea and emotional support from the Mayor? Or maybe you’d like to stand in the rain in Parliament Square with Nigel Farage, waving a Union Jack?
Well, grab your flag and poncho: you’re in luck. Lobbying group Leave Means Leave has been granted permission to have a party in Parliament Square to mark Brexit – and you’re all invited.
Now the question everyone’s asking is: what’s the plan?
Well, according to this tweet, it kicks off at 9.30 pm. The tweet then directs readers to a website, which says that the start time is 9pm. One thing’s for sure, though, it finishes at 11.15pm. So, that’s 15 minutes of fun and furious flag-waving after the UK officially leaves.
Brexit Party MEP Ann Widdecombe, Wetherspoon founder Tim Martin, broadcaster Julia Hartley-Brewer, Brexit Party chair Richard Tice and, of course, Nigel Farage will reportedly be in attendance and potentially doing speeches. There will be no fireworks and no booze.
🗓 31 January
— Leave Means Leave (@LeaveMnsLeave) January 27, 2020
🌃 Parliament Square, London
⏰ 9.30pm
👥 Attendance is FREE
🇬🇧 Grab your Union Flag and come celebrate Brexit
Let us know you’re coming
👉 https://t.co/Rfvx0T31YK #BrexitCelebration pic.twitter.com/A0jtqPdyjZ
Big Ben will also be keeping schtum during the party, as fundraisers failed to stump up the £500,000 needed to speed up renovation work and make Big Ben bong for Brexit.
And that’s all we’ve got.
Time Out contacted the Brexit Celebration for more details, but there was no reply at the time of posting this article.
This map shows the most European parts of London.
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