
Watch: people who saw ‘Hamilton’ last night literally weep at how good it was

Andrzej Lukowski
Written by
Andrzej Lukowski
Theatre Editor, UK

After years of anticipation, an awful lot of hype, and an annoying additional two-week delay, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s visionary musical ‘Hamilton’ finally had its first London performance last night. Perhaps not unsurprisingly, those who were lucky enough to see the first preview last night – which did seem to include a disproportionate number of ladies and gentlemen of the press – were blown away. We caught up with some of the lucky punters leaving the show, and, er, well, just look at them, yeah? A lot of happy faces, two certified weepers, and a dude moved to say the word ‘monoculture’.

‘Hamilton’ is at the Victoria Palace Theatre. Booking until Jun 30 2017. Mostly sold out, but there’s a daily lottery for £10 tickets.

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