
UPDATED: the cheapest (non-Wetherspoons) pint in London. Just £2.50, people!

We've teamed up with readers on a very important quest

Chris Waywell
Written by
Lauryn Berry
Written by:
Chris Waywell
Lyric pub, Great Windmill Street
Photograph: Ben Rowe

UPDATE: 25/1/2022

Last week, we told you about our quest to find the cheapest pint of actual beer in London. At that (early) stage, we couldn’t do better than a Sam Smiths pint of Alpine Lager at the Captain Kidd in Wapping for £3.10. There were also runners-up that came pretty close to The Captain Kidd, with both Top Secret Comedy Club and The Ramble Inn selling pints for £3.60.

Now, though, new information has come across Time Out’s news/beer desk. There are local reports of an A-board outside another riverside boozer, The Yacht in Greenwich, advertising a pint of cask bitter for just £2.50.

Due diligence demanded that we didn’t just take some anonymous tip-off as gospel, so we forced one of our more washed-up writers to break Dry January and go down and check the story out for reals. He duly confirmed that this indeed seems to be the case, providing this snap of the streetside advertising as documentation: 

£2.50 pint
Photograph: Chris Waywell

Okay, so it’s an own-brand affair, but seriously, this is frankly a flipping steal, especially in a bougie, touristy postcode like Greenwich. Four pints for a tenner! It’s like the past. 

Of course, our quest has only just begun. Perhaps there’s an even cheaper cold lad out there that we have yet to hear about. If you usually get your pints cheaper than this, let us know!

In the meantime here’s a list of all the pubs and bars our readers recommended:

The Duke


Phineas (UCL Students' Union)

The Tarmon


The Faltering Fullback  

Kew Cricket Club 

Red Lion 

The Prince of Wales 

Elephant and Castle 

The Hand in Hand 

The Drum 

Dough Daddy

The Pride of Spitalfields 

Twickenham Brewery

The Albert Bow

The Marquis of Cornwallis

The Bird in Hand 

The Asparagus 

The Halfway House 

The Moon Under Water

Salmon & Ball 

Waterloo Tap 

And here’s our list of London’s 100 best pubs.

Five London caffs you have to visit.

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