News a new way to help London’s homeless

Written by
Paula Akpan

The number of rough sleepers in the UK has more than doubled since 2010, and as temperatures drop and the Christmas glow recedes, roofless Londoners need your help more than ever. But some people don’t give money to homeless people because of doubts about where the funds might end up. That’s the problem that led to two Londoners founding

The non-profit online shop sells clothing and other gear with a unique twist: every time a customer buys an item, the same item is delivered to someone homeless. So you can shop for new socks, jumpers, coats and shirts and give as you buy, or browse donation-only items such as haircuts or sanitary and dental kits. distributes via local charities, tracking each donation to an individual for greater transparency. So whether it’s an outfit for job interviews, a phone credit top-up or a cup of coffee, make a purchase on Unhoused and you’ll directly help a Londoner living rough this winter.

Discover more ways that you can make a difference in London.

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