Thought you’d reached peak pooch? You thought wrong. Canines are ruling this week’s social calendar
Dog Fancy Dress Competition

Fix your hound into some Harry Paw-ter get-up, or your King Charles into a Chew-barker ensemble for this Easter doggy dress-up. Luxury dog baskets and free beer are up for grabs for the owners of sartorially splendid pups.
The Dartmouth Arms. m Tufnell Park. Sat Mar 31. Free.
‘Isle of Dogs’ exhibition

Wes Anderson addicts can sneak a behind-the-scenes look at his new mutt-filled film at an immersive exhibition curated by the man himself. See original sets and puppets or take a seat at the noodle and sake bars. That’s set our tails wagging.
The Store Studios. m Temple. Until Thu Apr 5. Free.
BowWow Haus London

Does your pooch have property aspirations beyond its tatty dog bed? This display of extravagant kennels created by celebrities, renowned architects and artists (all in association with animal charity Blue Cross) will set them drooling.
St Pancras International and Stratford International. Until Apr 26. Free.
Main image: Stefano Padoan/Flickr
Crazy for canines? Say hello to your kindred spirits – it's London's dog owners
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