‘There’s something about the ‘ordinariness’ of womanhood that is actually quite magical,’ explains artist Hanna Benihoud, who will celebrate International Women’s Day by daubing King's Cross’ Granary Square with art depicting just that. The square will be filled with 15 benches designed by Benihoud, each telling the story of a different woman or group of women and highlighting their contributions to society that often go unnoticed.
Inspired by conversations with women from a wide spectrum of backgrounds and lifestyles, the London artist’s work aims to elevate the inner lives of women and celebrate the ‘magic of the mundane’: from expertly applying a full face of makeup on the tube to work or juggling a full stack of childcare, housework and organising before the clock strikes 9am. Find yourself hit with inspiration while pursuing Benihoud’s art? You can share your stories of quietly remarkable women in your life, too, via King’s Cross’ Instagram page.