
This tube map shows the average rent near every station in 2018

Written by
Megan Carnegie
Freelance contributor

Rent vs journey time tube map – TotallyMoney

[Click here to see a larger version.]

What’s the first thing you Google when considering moving to a new area? No, not its proximity to a Lidl, the price of a local pint or how many of your exes live there (although these are all key). You need to know two things above all: how much is the rent, and how long would it take to get to work?

Totally Money’s latest alternative tube map shows the link between journey time and average rent prices around every London Underground stations – and it’s tough reading for anyone hoping to claw back precious time spent on public transport. According to their statisticians, the average Londoner pays £7.20 for each minute shaved off their journey time. Fancy ten minutes off your commute? That’ll be £3,744 a year.

There’s some useful info in there too. Comparing average commute times and rent prices, Hammersmith is number one on the ‘don’t live there’ blacklist, with above-average weekly rents of £484 and relatively long journey times compared to more central locations. At the other end of the scale, you’ll get the most bang for your buck living near Seven Sisters, Greenford or North Acton. If that sounds like a long way out, remember: the further down the line you live, the more likely you are to get a tube seat in the morning. And that’s something money can’t buy.

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