
This popular chain makes London’s best pizza, according to one celeb chef

Marcus Wareing, Masterchef star and owner of a one Michelin-starred restaurant, is apparently partial to an American Hot

Liv Kelly
Written by
Liv Kelly
Writer, Time Out Travel
Pizza Express, London
Photograph: Angelina Dimitrova /

Naming London’s finest pizza is, naturally, pretty hotly contested stuff. And it isn’t often that one of the capital’s big-name chains gets a shout-out – until now, that is. In a TikTok that went viral last week, celebrity chef and restauranteur Marcus Wareing claimed that his fave pizza comes from none other than Pizza Express. 

The American Hot (on a Romana base and with extra chilli) has apparently been Wareing’s go-to order at Pizza Express for the last 20 years. He claims that the chain remains the best option for pizza in London, noting its reliable taste. 

For many of us, Pizza Express was the likely one of the first places that opened our eyes to the glory of cheesy, doughy Italian goodness. And clearly it left an impression on this celebrity chef, too. 

At Wareing’s Michelin-starred restaurant Marcus Belgravia, he serves up fancy stuff like bergamot curd with lemon verbena. But it goes to show that no palette is too sophisticated, no taste buds too acquired to finery, to appreciate a trip to an ever-reliable chain favourite. 

Predictably, quite a few on TikTok expressed their shock that an esteemed chef would be such an advocate for a big-name chain. One commenter even called for Wareing to ‘hand back his stars!’, whilst Wareing wisely noted that he knew his answer might not be popular. 

Whatever your views are on this surprising revelation, there’s no denying that those dough balls are just as deliciously, pillowy-soft as ever. Now check out our very own list of the best pizza restaurants in London.

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