There’s no doubt that Easter weekend is going to be a bit of a weird one this year. But seeing as you’ve probably got some spare time on your hands, how about making your own Creme Egg? Sure, you could brave the supermarket and just buy some, but let’s face it, people are probably stockpiling them at this point.
Thankfully, London chocolatier Paul A Young has put together a step-by-step guide on how to make Creme Eggs – or as he’s calling them, ‘fondant eggs’. Admittedly, you will need an egg mould, but who hasn’t got one of those lying around? As well as that, you’ll need chocolate, fondant icing (that’s for the gooey stuff in the middle) and ideally some kind of yellow food colouring. Here’s a full list of what’s required:
500g shop-bought fondant
100mls water
10g caster sugar
Egg yellow gel or paste edible food colouring
1kg dark chocolate
And if it all goes wrong, just call them ‘deconstructed’ and eat them with a spoon.
Watch the video below to see how to make them: