While you've been sitting around in your pants having an existential crisis, London's fine illustrators have been... drawing pictures of themselves sat around in their pants having an existential crisis. Yes, many of the talented artists Time Out works with have spent the past year capturing the intricacies of lockdown in bright technicolour and embarrassing detail – and, to be honest, we're here for it. Nothing is more cathartic than seeing a pandemic habit you thought was weird, disgusting and unique to you, reflected back at you as a widespread trend. And for that we're very grateful.
That's why we've decided to use our platform to give a shout out to some of our favourite London doodlers. We asked them to send over a piece of work they’ve made during lockdown and the results are bloody wonderful. Take a look through and if you like what you see chuck ’em a follow on Insta. We love them and we can’t wait to work with them again.

Kieran Glennon
‘This illustration sums up everyone’s boredom and impatience with the pandemic. Personally, I was looking forward to the introduction of 2021 but now I see that maybe I was a little naive. It isn't all doom and gloom though. The image was made whilst being excited about the future and what life could be after boring, old COVID.’
Follow Kieran on Instagram here.

Naomi Anderson-Subryan
‘My illustration is about the days which turn rapidly into nights, and before you know it you find yourself uttering those familiar words almost rhetorically and to no avail: 'what day is it, again?'’
Follow Naomi on Instagram here.

Genie Espinosa
‘When in lockdown, my main source of human contact was my smartphone. It was very very hard to feel so disconnected and unable to interact with another human being. I found myself checking the notifications a crazy amount of times every five minutes. It helped me not to go totally mad but it created a serious dependence at the same time.’
Follow Genie on Instagram here.

Eynon Jones
‘To fill the void of 'normal' life (and to keep sane) during lockdown, I rediscovered illustration. My work is largely inspired by alcohol, and lockdown boredom. I wanted to bring joy and positivity in these oddball times.’
Follow Eynon on Instagram here. Prints now available at the awesome gallery www.theymadethis.co.uk.

Rob Flowers
‘Inspired by vintage souvenir postcards, the idea was to send a greeting from home during this time when none of us can travel, featuring stuff we’re all probably doing at home. The design was used as part of Bookblock’s Postive Post campaign, raising money for NHS workers.’
Follow Rob on Instagram here.

Dave Bain
You know it's serious when even superheroes are staying at home. This illustration from @davebainuk features some well-known heroes doing their bit - saving lives by staying inside.
Follow Dave on Instagram here.

Design Lad
‘This is my a picture I did of LeBron James in lockdown after the work and NBA got suspended, doing what everyone else was at the time: eating too much and watching Netflix.’
Follow Design Lad on Instagram here.

Jenni Sparks
‘I think that New Year’s Eve 2020 will go down as one of the oddest ones I’ve had in a long time. I was definitely glad to see the end of it but unlike other years, I wasn’t feeling overly optimistic or positive about 2021. I’ve got low expectations for it and hopefully that will mean I’m pleasantly surprised. I quite liked the surprise London fireworks but I also felt that it was all a bit dystopian too.’
Follow Jenni on Instagram here.

Alex Tait
Follow Alex on Instagram here.

Geo Law
Follow Geo on Instagram here.

Dan Evans
‘This was a series of illustrations, commissioned by Time Out, relating to the sorts of people we were starting to see during lockdown. It was a lot of fun to work on because I was able to go bright and bold with the colours and really try and capture some of the humour of the article in my work.’
Follow Dan on Instagram here.