
This is the worst London borough to be in during a zombie apocalypse, apparently

It’s home to 26 cemeteries and an estimated 267,818 potential zombies

Liv Kelly
Written by
Liv Kelly
Writer, Time Out Travel
Borough Market, Zombies
Photograph: cowardlion / / Time Out

When choosing which part of London to move to next, there’s loads of things to consider. Stuff like tube connections, distance from your office and local amenities are all usually on the agenda. Weighing up the likelihood you’d survive during a zombie apocalypse? Well, most people probably don’t think about that too much. 

If you are someone who is kept up at night by the prospect of undead hordes, you might want to listen up. Southwark is apparently the worst London borough to be in should we find ourselves in a zombie uprising. That’s according to research carried out by online gambling site Rant Casino. Southwark residents, maybe it’s time to start prepping your survival kit. 

The reason? Apparently Southwark is home to 26 cemeteries. You see, all those graves add up, and there is apparently the potential for 267,818 zombies to rise and roam throughout the borough. Yikes. What’s more is that the ratio of zombies to people in Southwark is only marginally less than 1:1, so us humans would only outnumber them very, very slightly. 

It’s not just those living in Southwark who should consider setting up a shelter, though. The west London borough of Kensington and Chelsea has a chilling zombie-to-human ratio of 127.68 percent, thanks to its 12 cemeteries. 

South Kensington is also London’s museum district, at the heart of which is the Natural History Museum. Chillingly, the ‘human comparative collection’ at the NHM is home to around 25,000 individuals and is one of the largest collections of human remains in the UK. In other words, that’s even more undead stuff to give you the heebie-jeebies. 

So, if you’re afraid of the undead, Now you know where to steer clear of in London! 

If you do want to be scared out of your skin, however, you’ve come to the right place. From monstrous movie screenings and terrifying club nights to our general guide to the best of Halloween in London, Time Out has you sorted for this spooky, spooky time of year. 

Check out our favourite pumpkin dishes to try this Halloween

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