
This abandoned London airport is opening for behind-the-scenes tours

You can visit what used to be the world’s biggest air hub

India Lawrence
Written by
India Lawrence
Contributing writer
A plane outside the former Croydon airport
Photograph: Eleanor McMillan /

Did you know Croydon used to have an airport? And not just any airport – back in the day it was the world’s biggest flight hub, and it launched the UK’s first ever international flights. So what the heck happened to it?

Built in 1920, Croydon Airport was Britain’s first proper international hub. Due to its importance in World War II, it was bombed in 1940 in one of Londons first raids, destroying a number of the buildings. 

It shut down permanently in 1958 after Heathrow and Gatwick were developed and has since been abandoned, but now there’s a chance to look inside the old flight terminal. 

The disused airport has now opened as museum, meaning the public can visit former airport buildings including the control tower and arrivals hall, although the airfields have long since been built on. Croydon Airport Visitor Centre is free to enter with the option of giving an £8 donation. 

It’s only open once a month and tickets often sell out, so we recommend booking in advance. The next opening date is July 7, with tickets going on sale this weekend (June 23). Tours take around 45 minutes and you can find tickets online here

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