More than nine million of us live in London, but you wouldn't know it by looking at the capital right now. Most of us are heeding official advice and distancing ourselves from social situations – meaning no pubs, plays, treadmills or twerking for the foreseeable. Instead, we’re getting pale ale delivered to our doorsteps, watching old-school concerts online and enlisting Ellie Goulding as our Instagram PT (trust us, the lady can plank). The result: London looks eerily peaceful.
If other cities can teach us anything though, it’s that scaling back might not be all doom and gloom. The people of Wuhan are hearing birdsong for the first time in years because of decreased levels of sound pollution, and Venice’s canals are coming back to life due to the lack of water traffic.
So stay put and stay safe, London. It’s our turn to see the rainbow.
Here are your pics of empty London:
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New York is also slowing down. These pictures show its empty streets and stations.
Here’s everything you need to know about the London tube closures.