We already know that Claire Ptak of east London bakery Violet has been commissioned to create Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding cake. We also know it’s going to be fancy AF: specifically, a lemon elderflower sponge covered with buttercream and decorated with fresh flowers to ‘incorporate the flavours of spring’. Well, do you think the Queen would make do with Rice Krispie Cakes on her grandson’s big day?
But what if the Royal Wedding cake was a little more... esoteric? Ahead of Saturday’s super-hyped ceremony, Clerkenwell Design Week has commissioned three ‘dream Royal Wedding cakes’ from a combination of leading creatives and top London bakers. The results make most of the showstopper challenges on ‘Great British Bake Off’ look, well, kinda basic.
Designers Matteo Fogale and Laetitia de Allegri have worked with Konditor & Cook to create ‘La Serenissima’, a wedding cake that’s ‘inspired by the colours and patterns in Venetian glass, and the shape of vintage goblets’. The result is definitely serving funky lampshade realness.

Designer Adam Nathaniel Furman has teamed up with Emily Garland – aka east London’s Maid of Gingerbread – to create ‘Ginger Sutra’, a gingerbread wedding cake design ‘inspired by a Yantric devotional composition of celebratory forms, affirming the joy of coupling and marriage’. The cake’s name has nothing to do with Harry’s famous copper locks, obviously.

And finally, designer, goldsmith and cake-maker Kia Utzon-Frank has created her own special suspended Royal Wedding Cake, made of 24 chocolate spheres hanging in a ring formation. Thankfully, the final product is anything but a balls-up.

You can check out these amazing cakes IRL at Foraspace in Clerkenwell as part of Clerkenwell Design Week. But hurry – at 4pm on Friday they’ll be cut into slices and sold to members of the public in return for a donation to Maggie’s Cancer Centres. But will they taste as beautiful as they look? You can find out more about Clerkenwell Design Week here.
Find out what else is happening at Clerkenwell Design Week