
There’s a fifth lion sculpture in Trafalgar Square right now, and it roars poetry

Written by
Charley Ross

As part of the London Design Festival, the four lions who keep Nelson’s Column company in Trafalgar Square have been joined by a fluorescent red, rather noisy friend. This guy is a precise model of the originals, who have been standing guard in the square for 150 years, and was designed by London-based designer Es Devlin. 

The idea of the project, named ‘Please Feed The Lions’, is to (you guessed it) feed the big cat a word – the one that you’d most like to add to its vocabulary, according to Devlin. Thanks to a poetry-generating algorithm, it will give you a spoken-word response. 

On top of that, the lion’s poetry will appear projected onto Nelson’s Column at night. 

If you’re not in London for this and are gutted you’re missing out on meeting this feline fan of the spoken word, fret not. Thanks to Google Arts & Culture, you will be able to view it online too. 

We reckon it’ll be a roaring success.

‘Please Feed The Lions’ will take place at Trafalgar Square. Charing Cross tube. Tue Sep 18-Sun Sep 23. 

Find out what else is happening with our guide to London Design Festival.

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