If you’re one of the 135,000 who managed to put a £50 deposit on a ticket to Glastonbury, you’re probably feeling pretty bummed about this weekend. It was meant to be the big one: five days marking the festival’s fiftieth anniversary. But the whole thing was cancelled, and now we have to wait until 2021 for a Glasto summer.
Online Glastos have appeared to fill the void. The BBC launched The Glastonbury Experience, uploading archive shows from old headliners to iPlayer – including Beyoncé (2011), Jay Z (2008) and Bowie (2000). In July, we’re getting a virtual version of the Shangri-La stage.
And now the V&A museum has announced its tribute, with plans for a seven-day celebration of all things Glastonbury. The museum’s website will be dedicating a page to its collection of festival photos, interviews, vintage programmes and posters.

To fill the festival lacuna, try some sonic immersion with the V&A’s soundscape by sound designer Gareth Fry. For seven minutes, you’ll hear the noises of the crowds, the Stone Circle and the Pyramid Stage, recorded during a day at Glasto in 2015.

If you’re sick of looking and listening to other people’s festival memories, send in your own. You can help build on the V&A’s collection by sharing your stories of the festival, which will contribute towards a 360-degree mapping of its 50-year history. Send your darkest, most embarrassing or heartwarming Glasto moments to glastonbury@vam.ac.uk. No need to keep it clean.
Find out more at vam.ac.uk/glastonbury
Glastonbury’s Shangri-La is going virtual this year with an epic line-up.
Want more? Try Junction 2’s 3D, three-stage virtual music festival.