Last Thursday, when Londoners came out in force to Clap for Our Carers, some of the city’s most visible and iconic landmarks lit up in ‘NHS Blue’ to show their support for our healthcare heroes. Now the tallest of them all is keeping that look at night for the foreseeable.
The Shard will light up electric blue every night around sunset, and hopefully many Londoners will be able to see it from their windows. It’s just the tip of the 310m-tall building – the top 20 storeys of The Shard (known as the spire) which sit above the View from the Shard viewing platform – that will be glowing through the night.
The building has described its new colour scheme as a ‘thank you and symbol of solidarity with those who are working hard to keep Londoners and the rest of the UK safe’. We happen to think it’s a rather fetching look for Renzo Piano’s architectural delight, too.

Photograph: Will Pryce
Read about the Lockdown Legend who started the UK’s Clap for Our Carers campaign.
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