
The National Trust is opening its parks and gardens for free

Ellie Walker-Arnott
Written by
Ellie Walker-Arnott
Headley Heath in Surrey
Photograph: Shutterstock

There’s one thing we’re all likely to need more of in these trying times – chill out, it’s not loo roll, it’s fresh air.

If you’re not feeling unwell or self-isolating because you’re living with someone who is, or are in a high-risk group, there’s currently nothing stopping you from going outside and attempting to enjoy the arrival of spring.

We know being around nature can do wonders for our mental health which, let’s face it, might be taking a bit of a beating right now. 

To help, the lovely folk at the National Trust are helping us get a big dose of the green stuff. Although its houses, shops and cafés are now closed following the government’s social-distancing announcement earlier this week, the NT is planning to keep most of its parks and gardens open and make them free to enter ‘so the nation can use open spaces to relax and refresh’. 

‘Over the coming weeks we will do all that we can to keep on providing public benefit through caring for places and giving people access wherever possible,’ said a spokesperson for the organisation, which is celebrating its 125th birthday this year. ‘While we will close our indoor areas to help fight the spread of coronavirus, we recognise that people are likely to need access to open space.’

The NT recommends checking its website before you set out to ensure your local park or garden is open. 

If we have to keep our distance from each other, why not use it as a chance to get up close to some nature instead?

Find out more about the National Trust’s parks and gardens here

Keep an eye on all the closures and event cancellations in London here.  

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