The London Dungeon is both scary and educational. Two good things, we can all agree. You go there, a bloke dressed as Jack the Ripper jumps out at you from the dark, and then you learn about the disputed origins of the Black Death in 1665. Scary and educational.
Who knew they had a third string to their creepy bow, the string of ‘alcohol’? The Cock & Beaver is the Dungeon’s cheekily named on-site tavern, and if you go there right now with proof of full vaccination (and some ID) they will give you a shot of alcohol, entirely free of charge. Oh, and you need to be aged 18-24. Sorry.
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‘While the gruesome history of London is our bread and butter, we have no interest in history repeating itself,’ said a Dungeon spooksperson. ‘Our very own Plague Doctor hopes you take him up on his offer of free shots for vaccinated guests. And for any doubters, he’s confident one visit to his surgery to hear the horror stories of what happens without a vaccine will have you scared stiff.’
Nice to hear from a spokesperson really inhabiting the role, isn’t it?
Anyway, there’s no mention of what the shot actually is at this point. Hopefully not absinthe. Not sure we can endorse the idea of people taking part in the much-vaunted ‘Escape the Great Fire of London’ experience while out of their minds on The Green Fairy.
To take part in the ‘shot for shots’ offer, just book a slot at the London Dungeon with proof of full vaccination and some ID. Offer is good until Sun Aug 29.
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