
The General Election: here’s how to work out where your local polling station is

Ellie Walker-Arnott
Written by
Ellie Walker-Arnott
Polling station stock image
Photograph: Shutterstock

Hey, not sure if you’ve heard but the UK has a General Election tomorrow. If you’re registered to vote, you’re going to want to take this opportunity to use your democratic right and to have your say. But where do you actually need to go to do it? 

Unless you’ve already registered for a postal vote, you’ll need to physically go down to your local polling station to vote tomorrow (Thursday December 12). You should have received a polling card with your polling number and polling station address on it, but you can double check your local council and its contact details here or here.  

The Labour Party have also created a great tool to help you find your local polling station and how to get there, here. Other parties – Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Green etc (you can find out who you can vote for here) – are of course available, it’s just that none of them has created a polling station finder.

While we’re on the subject, remember you’ll be voting for your local constituency’s MP, which will have an impact on which political party will be able to form a government. You can vote any time between 7am and 10pm on December 12. You don’t need your polling card or even ID to cast your vote in London. As long as you’re on the Electoral Roll, you just need to provide your name and address. While you’re there, don’t write anything on your ballot paper apart from an X in the box next to your chosen candidate. If you mark more than one, your vote will be invalid. Don’t talk about who you’re voting for inside the polling station. And don’t take a snap of your ballot to share on social media. You are not allowed to take a photograph of a ballot paper in a polling station, and it’s also illegal to reveal how someone else voted so selfies inside the polling station are not advised either, just in case. 

Worried about how you’ll get to your local polling station? Uber are offering free rides for wheelchair users, disabled and elderly people tomorrow. 

Voted? Well done! Celebrate at one of these election night parties in London. 

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