Thought we had a while to go till Christmas? Thought wrong. Sure, it’s more than two months away, and we haven’t even sorted our Halloween costumes yet, but today Selfridges well and truly heralded the festive season by unveiling its all-out Christmas window and in-store displays.
Perhaps unsurprisingly (we’re still in October after all), it’s the first department store in the world to do so. But if Selfridges is getting into the Christmas spirit, so are we. This year’s theme is Selfridges Rocks Christmas, in which Santa intersects with Elvis. In the window displays Mr and Mrs Claus swap their same-old-same-old attire for leather, tassels and sunnies. Rock ’n’ roll.

It’s only taken a team of 500 and one whole year to get here, plus 100 staffers working shifts around the clock for the last eight days to have everything ready for the big reveal. Sounds like a lot of manpower, but when you take into account they’ve worked with 85,000 baubles, 65,000 pieces of paper confetti, 200 Christmas trees and 15,000 metres of LED lights, it makes perfect sense. Go hard or go home, yeah?
Feeling prematurely festive? Check out our guide to Christmas in London.
Already doing your Christmas shopping? You’ll want to see our pick of the best shops in London, the best Christmas shops in London and the best Christmas markets in the city. Phew.