‘We’ve been in here too long. I feel unusual. I think we should go outside.’
So said Richard E Grant’s title character in ‘Withnail & I’, one of the greatest of all London films. Like a few other movies, it has taken a weird resonance in the last couple of weeks with its depiction of two down-at-heel actors cooped up in a filthy flat in ’60s London. Now no one can go outside – and, right on cue, Richard E Grant himself has popped up to recite some of Withnail’s best lines on Instagram.
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Since Saturday, Grant (who more recently appeared in ‘Can You Ever Forgive Me?’ and the latest ‘Star Wars’) has posted a short clip every day, revisiting the ‘Withnail’ script one line at a time. It’s just the thing for these claustrophobic times – even though we very much doubt Withnail would approve of the government shutting all the pubs.
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Follow the quotes on Richard E Grant’s Insta account.
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