‘You never have cherries unless you’re in hospital, do you?’
‘You can never have too many doorstops.’
‘I would lick your car.’
‘We’re being ghosted by our cheese supplier.’
‘That yolk’s strong, it’s really chicken-y.’
‘She’s the Kim Kardashian of Winchester.’
‘I’m furloughed from meal planning.’
‘What do you think of semi-colons?’
‘I couldn’t hear you because I had ice cream in my mouth.’
‘I’ve always thought that a night out in Peckham sounds like admin, you know?’
‘I wish Curly Wurlys were a foot-long.’
‘A veil is the ultimate mullet, really.’
Every week you share the weird things you’ve overheard in London. Above, a few perplexing snippets from the past seven days – tweet us yours using #wordonthestreet and @timeoutlondon