Looking back on the last round you ordered with misty eyes? Why not eternalise the experience by purchasing one of these dazzling prints by London-based drink photographer Addie Chinn. Not only can you hang a boozy picture in your home while you await the return of bars and pubs, but by purchasing one of the £50 prints you’ll also be supporting the bartenders and hospitality staff who are missing bars and pubs even more than you.
The project is called A Shot in Time, and by selling a series of five of Chinn’s A3-sized, limited-edition prints, its organisers hope to raise vital funds for The Drinks Trust. The charity helps members of the hospitality sector, giving social, medical and financial support to them and their families – all the more crucial in the current climate. With 50 of each print for sale, the scheme hopes to raise £10,000 for charity, with all proceeds going directly to The Drinks Trust.
Additionally, Fatboy Slim will be captioning and signing a set of the prints to go on virtual auction on January 31 at 4pm via the Whisky Auction website, with bids starting at £500.
Each of the prints is said to represent emotions people connect with the world of hospitality – from happiness to ‘shenanigans’. Sure, we know it’s not an emotion, but we like the sentiment. And the stylish artwork will at least go very fetchingly up above that drinks trolley you impulse-bought on an early lockdown splurge.
Buy a print here and browse the collection below.