Erotic workshops are on the rise, as Londoners become increasingly aware that the scant sex ed most of them received at school barely covered how to avoid getting knocked up, never mind how to conjure up a knockout orgasm. We meet some of the teachers
Madam Storm (pictured above)
‘I’m a qualified therapist and international dominatrix who tutors women in my “strut” classes: group-confidence coaching sessions teaching women self-possession, sass and high self-esteem via striding in high heels. One attendee arrived barely able to stroll after a life-changing accident, despite years of physio. After the session, she cried tears of joy, having learned to move with a walking stick in a way that made her feel sexy.’
Master Dominic
‘One of my most famous classes instructs women on how to perform blow jobs – from the perspective of a gay guy who both gives and receives them, so knows how both can feel. It involves the use of ice lollies to help commit advanced skills to muscle memory. One big fellatio fib? That deep throating is what every dude desires. It’s been normalised by porn, but ramming someone’s penis against your oesophagus can be uncomfortable for them as well as for you. I once had a nana attend who’d never gone down on her husband; they’d been wedded more than 30 years. A week later she returned, pointed at an exceedingly posh car parked outside, and proclaimed: ‘You helped me earn that.’ I teach the Bentley of BJs.’
Sanjay Joshi and Natalie Ford

‘We run a whole bunch of adult activities, including Tantra Speed Dating where singletons are first schooled in how to embody their best, most authentic selves and step into helpful, compassionate relationship roles, before connecting with one another via exercises such as partnered yoga, eye-gazing and theatrical improvisation. People not only exit with new matches, but new skills and new perspectives on what relationships can be. We’ve noticed there are a lot of men in London who are starved for touch and very willing to interact with women but hesitant about how to go about that appropriately. On the flipside, many London women desire to channel more of their power but then find that men are unsure about how to engage with their confident energy. There’s plenty of work to be done!’
Allison England
‘I hold classes in spanking and anal thrills at luxury erotic boutique Coco de Mer, often accompanied by my assistants Ethel and Ernest: sets of silicone genitalia that I use for demonstrations. I’ve been excited to note a growing curiosity among Londoners about their bottoms, and increasing willingness to experiment with previously taboo butt stuff; my Backdoor Bliss salon is hugely popular. Approaching sexuality with an open mind is enormously freeing, but it’s important to feel able to say “no thank you” to ideas that don’t suit you. I encourage my students to view the lessons I give them as ingredients which they can mix to suit their own desires, adding as much or as little spice as they like to create their own delicious sex recipes.’
Ruby Rare

‘By day, I work for young people’s sexual wellbeing charity Brook. By night, I lecture on how to navigate the often overwhelming world of sex toys. It’s a huge disappointment to spunk a load of cash on a vibrator or plug that doesn’t work for your body. So I advise on how to select toys based on what makes you tick personally, and how to incorporate them into partnered and solo fun. I’m glad to see the adult scene becoming sillier! Sex doesn’t always have to be a dour, clinical, serious topic; having a giggle helps people let go of their hang-ups, and laughter can be a great vehicle for learning.’
Phoenix Taylor
‘I host exclusive kink parties, and teach workshops at 23 Paul Street, an upmarket striptease club that’s also home to Scarlet Ladies – a women’s group who meet to talk about sexuality and feminist issues. My latest tutorials cover basic bondage and hot wax play: drizzling drips from special candles (that melt at body-safe temperatures) all over your lover’s skin. The most important bedroom equipment you can own is the ability to use your presence, exert mind control and create a sense of suspense. We’ve been programmed to think that things aren’t sexy unless they’re vibrating inside you, but being able to put your partner’s head in a totally different space – metaphorically – is more potent than anything battery-operated.’