
Londoners reveal their strangest housesharing experiences

Living with others isn't always a walk in the park

James Manning
Jessica Phillips
Written by
James Manning
Jessica Phillips
Living alone sounds like a plan
Photograph: Shutterstock | Living with others can be hell on Earth

We asked you about the weirdest things that have happened to you while sharing a place in London. Here’s what you said…

'I lived with a guy who stored steak under his bed'

'I was introduced to my flatmate's boyfriend. He was my ex'

'My landlord died so I got to live there rent-free for a bit while his family figured out what to do.'

'My housemates had a full on fist fight about who should take the bin out'

'Someone carved threatening messages into my chopping board and peed in my pots and pans'

'I said no to a date with a guy in my house, so he keyed my car'

‘My flatmate crashed into the garage door after drunk-driving home from Spearmint Rhino.’

‘A girl who collected her boyfriend’s semen in a plastic cup, which she kept under her bed.’

‘Three vegan Aussie lads told me not to go in the “LSD fridge”.’

‘My gay flatmate giving a blow job to his “straight” friend at the kitchen table one night.’

‘A crazy French girl put drawing pins inside the oven gloves as a farewell gift.’

‘My live-in landlady presented me with the ashes of her dead cat in a miniature coffin.’

‘My male housemate couldn’t explain why my lost bra turned up in the back of one of his drawers – complete with makeshift plastic-bag padding.’

‘My housemate brought home a few pheasants he claimed to have shot. They still had shop tags on their feet.’

‘The man who greeted each morning in a waistcoat and Y-fronts, with a large G&T and the words: “It’s always six o’clock somewhere in the Empire!” No, he wasn’t called Boris.’

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