What does £1,279 per month get you? In some parts of England, this amount of dosh might secure a grand old castle, or at least a four bedroom townhouse with a garden and a parking space. In London, apparently all this will get you is a tiny ‘studio flat’ with a ‘compact kitchen’ and a bath that’s literally in the cupboard.
In the latest of the horrors of London renting, a viral TikTok, made by @adamzinho.1, has the internet up in arms: a 163 sq ft studio apartment, which is smaller than the size of a standard football goal, is being rented in west London for an astonishing £1,279 per month. In the video, Adam mocks the rental listing which describes a ‘bright ground floor studio flat presented in great condition throughout, boasting a compact kitchen, hidden away bath and shower and in an excellent location close to Victoria’.
@adamzinho.1 A bath in a cupboard? yay or nay ? #housingmarket #uktiktok #rentcrisis #londontiktok #rent ♬ Witch Familiar (Classical) [Classic](143628) - dice
We’re not quite sure what they have to boast about. While the outside of the house, with four storeys and huge sash windows, looks pretty swish, inside is rather a different story. Although this might be Marie Kondo’s dream, Adam describes the flat as ‘f*cking basic at best’. With not enough room to swing a cat, the ‘compact kitchen’ is in fact a mini-fridge, hob a microwave crammed into a cupboard that’s had its door ripped off. And don't even get us started on the bath-cum-wardrobe situation.
It's safe to say people are not happy. ‘How is this legal?!’, one commenter said, while another pointed out a vital element was missing, asking ‘where do you go to the toilet?!’.
One user claimed: ‘I work at Foxtons and can confirm this property has been rented at the asking price 😭😭😭.’
We're actually lost for words over the barbaric layout of this flat. It’s got everything but the kitchen sink, literally.
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