We’ve had it all in 2020: Brexit, Harry and Megxit, flooding and a virus spreading globally. All we need now is a snow day and we’ve had the most action-packed year before we’ve even hit the halfway mark.
If the Met Office is accurate in its forecasting, tomorrow’s light dusting of the white stuff could be the icing on the cake, with temperatures set to drop as low as 1C overnight, and with snow due early in the morning. While that sounds quite pleasant to wake up to, it’s actually more likely that London will be hit by a shower of sleet followed by yet more rain.
So remember, Londoners: wrap up warm, carry hand sanitiser at all times and pack an inflatable dinghy. You can’t be held up by train or tube delays if you’re armed with a fold-out oar to paddle home. These are uncertain times and it pays to be prepared for every eventuality.
Spidey senses predicting a full-blown snow flurry? Read up on where to thaw out when London’s feeling frosty.
Want to camp out in front of a log fire? Check our list of the city’s cosiest hideouts.