
Leadenhall Market’s Christmas lights are as magical as ever

Written by
Emma Hughes
Contributing Writer

With its vaulted glass roof and elaborately painted storefronts, the City’s historic Leadenhall Market is a striking sight all year round – but right now it’s looking extra specially magical, thanks to its awesome Christmas lights

Had it on your to-visit list ever since it doubled as Diagon Alley in ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’? Now’s definitely the time to head down to admire the lofty Christmas tree and the twinkling installations. They’ve been up for less than a week, but they’re already proving popular on Instagram... 

If you’re in the area with a bit of time to spare, you won’t want to miss out on soaking up the atmosphere – and with several cosy Dickensian-style pubs in the market itself, you can get even more in the mood with a mug of mulled wine. One thing’s for sure: this is one of London’s most beautiful festive spots. 

Get your skates on at London’s best seasonal skating rinks

Find more festive fun in our guide to Christmas in London

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