
Kit Harrington will star as Henry V at the Donmar next year

The erstwhile Jon Snow anchors a thrilling new season

Andrzej Lukowski
Written by
Andrzej Lukowski
Theatre Editor, UK
Kit Harrington
Rob Greig Time Out | Andrzej Lukowski, theatre editor, interviews kit Harrington who is on stage as Dr Faustus after six years of filming Game of Thrones (he plays Jon Snow).

Kit Harington managed to be a regular face on the West End during the last days of ‘Game of Thrones’, and now he’s back post-Jon Snow to star as a very different royal.

‘Henry V’ is Shakespeare’s great propaganda play about the dashing young English king’s smiting of the French – but it’s also one of his most malleable works, with interpretations veering from out-and-out patriotic willy-waving, to troubling meditations on the nature of conflict.

The Donmar’s new version – which will run February 11 to April 9 next year – will be reimagined as a provocative meditation on patriotism, nationalism and England’s relationship with Europe.

Elsewhere in the new season – which commences after a period of refurbishment for the Donmar – there’s ‘Search Party’ by Inua Ellams (Sep 21-25) an audience-interactive poetry event; ‘Love and Other Acts of Violence’ by Cordelia Lyn (Oct 7-Nov 27) about a Jewish physician and a left-wing poet finding love in the midst of terrible violence; ‘Force Majeure’ (Dec 10-Feb 5), a stage version of Ruben Östlund’s classic dark comedy, starring Rory Kinnear; that’ll be followed by ‘Henry V’ and then the season ends with ‘Marys Seacole’ by Jackie Sibblies Drury, which reunites the team behind the Young Vic’s brilliant 2019 hit ‘Fairview’.

Tickets go on public sale at 9am on Thursday July 8.

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Shakespeare plays in London

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