Deptford Pride
Visit south-east London’s micro-Pride for activist stalls and interactive storytime with drag queen Ola Jide. Stay for the afterparty, a tribute to 1980s LGBTQ+ night Out Dance at The Albany. Giffin Square. Deptford rail. Sat Aug 17. Free. Afterparty £10.

The RVT will, as always, be delivering top-class queer performances, along with mental-health first-aiders, the option of a quiet zone and a BSL interpreter for a celebration that’s accessible to all. Royal Vauxhall Tavern. Tube: Vauxhall. Sat Aug 17. Free but £10 voluntary donations welcome.

London Trans + Intersex Pride
This grassroots festival is inviting trans, non-binary, intersex and gender-nonconforming communities to come together in September. There’ll be talks, panel discussions and performances by and for trans and intersex people. Hackney, exact location TBC. Sep 14. Free.
Images: Deptford Pride, photograph:@mepp_london Instagram. ParaPride, photograph: ParaPride.
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