Last weekend, Brockwell Park was taken over once again by sheep-shearing demonstrations, plant sales, samba bands and booming reggae music for the ever-brilliant Lambeth Country Show.
Over its 45-year history, certain traditions have developed, such as getting a glimpse of Vauxhall City Farm’s alpacas, downing a massive carton of Chucklehead’s super-strong cider and joining the long queue to see the pun-derful entrants in the vegetable sculpture competition.
This year, the veggie-whittlers did not disappoint, with spud bosoms, kale assassins and a fantastic depiction of Dali’s melting clocks made from a wilted salad leaf. If you didn’t make it along this year, or just couldn’t face the queue, here’s a rundown of this year’s sculptures. Oh, kale yes!
Two of our fave female stars on the box got the tater treatment. They proved such a hit that Jodie Comer herself thanked her vegetable sculptor.
‘Peabag with Phoe-bean Waller-Bridge’

‘Kaleing Eve’

Glastonbury Festival proved to be a strong theme this year. We were particularly fond of the baby corn and blueberry audience dancing to Strawbzy.
‘Strawbzy at Glastonberry’

‘Cornzy and Kaley Peanogue at Glastonberry’

Internet sensation Grumpy Cat got his very own root-veg memorial.
‘RIPea Grumpy Cat’

The fiftieth anniversary of the first moon landing also got the vegetable-pun treatment.
‘Some small cress for man, one giant leek for mankind’

As did the Golden Boot winner of the FIFA Women’s World Cup.
‘Megan Rapinoebergine’

Unusually, there was only one politically themed sculpture this year.
‘The (High In) Iron Throne’

Vegetable Marie Antoinette boasted an impressive potato bosom.
‘Let them eat kale’

We reckon Marlon wouldn’t have taken this likeness personally – it’s just veggie business.
‘Melon Brando as the Podfather’

We’ve kept our favourite till last: an exemplary homage to Salvador Dalí using leafy greens.
‘Salvador Da-leaves’

They’re all champs in our eyes. However, the winner still romaines to be crowned. So keep an eye on Lambeth Country Show’s Instagram account to see who gets the accolade of Best in Show.
Love your greens? Here’s our list of the best vegan-friendly restaurants in London.
Find more great things to do this month with our July calendar.